Exclusive articles from David Horowitz

We are glad to share these articles written exclusively for us by David Horowitz with you. Our aim is to give you an extra bonus to our WordFIX file repair software. We hope you will find them helpful.
Using Misc in VBA
You may have heard about Classes in VBA (and other languages) but not know what they are or how to use them. Let's find out!

David Horowitz is the lead developer and co-founder with his wife Bonnie of Soundside, Inc., located on the beautiful Long Island Sound near New York City.
David was educated at the University of Pennsylvania, began his career at Microsoft, and has been a freelance software consultant since 1991, working in .NET, C#, VB.NET, C++, assembler, Visual Basic, and Office VBA. David is a database expert, working mostly in Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, and Microsoft Access. He has developed web-based applications using HTML, XML, ASP, ASP.NET and ActiveX controls. Soundside’s clients are leaders in their industries, including pharmaceutical, scientific, manufacturing, technical, and legal. David is a regular contributor to online ezines on the subject of software development. He has a talent for making difficult subjects easy to understand. David can be contacted at [email protected]. Check out Soundside’s web site at www.soundside.biz.
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